Monday, September 20, 2010

lunch call...

ari ni aku wat lunch call atau dlm bahasa kebangsaan nya panggilan makan bukan panggilan yg kite dpt dr awek atau rakan2 sewaktu kite menikmati makan tngahari, tp kite kene keje time waktu makan tengahari..ha,nsb baek lunch call..kalau sahur call, mau x sahur kite ape beshnye lunch call kali ni?..ha,lunch call ni aku ditempatkan di OPD, ganti sorang prp yg kene g kursus induksi....

x jauh beze opd ngan stor...memang dikelilingi stor lg bny ubat la...beze nye kt opd ni ialah aku leh amek leaflet yg ade dlm kotak2 ubat 2...ala,patiet bkn nk bukak n bace pon kan...baek aku yg bace..hehe...

so,mane2 drug yg aku jarang dengar dan confuse, akan aku amek la leaflet nye..dan trus memroses data2 yg ade untuk dimasukkan kt pale otak aku,siang td aku amek 3 je, memandangkan 3 je yg aku x paham....ade bny lg, tp nnt2 la plak..drugs yg dimaksudkan ialah:

1. nazol capsule (danazol)

2. alphagan eye drop (brimonidine tartrate)

3. trusopt eye drop (dorzolamide hydrochloride)

dan ini sedikit sebanyak info berkenaan drugs ni....

1. Alphagan ophthalmic solution (brimonidine tartrate)
Indication: open-angel glaucoma (reduce intraocular pressure)
Dose: one drop per application
MOA: reduce aqueous humor production and increase uveoscleral outflow (dual mechanism)
SP: caution used in patient with cardiovascular diseae, renal and hepatic impairment, depression, cerebral or coronary insufficiency
Common AD: allergic conjunctivitis, conjunctival hyperemia, eye pruritus
Meal/without meal: -

2. Trusopt (dorzolamide hydrochloride) ophthalmic solution
Indication: ocular hypertension, open-angel glaucoma
Dose: one drop per application
MOA: inhibit carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme responsible to synthesis bicarbonate ion wth subsequent of reduction of sodium and fluid transport
SP: caution used in renal and hepatic impairment patient,
Common AD: bitter taste, burning and stinging, blurred vision, eye itching, tearing, headache, conjunctivitis, eye lid inflammation, nausea, eyelid irritation and asthenia (fatigue)
Meal/without meal: -

3. Nazol capsule (danazol) 100/200 mg
Indication: endometriasis, menorrhagia, hereditary angioedema, fibrocystic breast disease
Dose: 800mg daily in 4 divided doses (endometriasis), 200-400 mg daily (menorrhagia), 200 mg daily (fibrocystic breast disease), 200-600 mg daily in divided doses (hereditary angioedema)
MOA: reduce plasma level of LH and FSH, increase level of C1 esterase inhibitor enzyme hereditary angioedema)
SP: thromboembolis, thrombophlebitic events, thrombotic events, cholestatic jaundice
Common AD: androgenic activty
Meal/without meal: taken before meal

ha, 2 la sedikit sebanyak pasal drugs, nnt kene kt opd lg aku amek lg la, pas2 kite stdy same2..hehe..

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